If you’ve worked in any business for a period of time, you realize that change happens. An employee might be sent to another area. An artist you depended on might not be available. The work place might be shut down for a season. There might be a … [Read more...]
Removing Cluttered Thoughts So You Can Create
It happens to us all. It’s that moment in time when you reach a point where you’re exhausted or you run out of ideas to create. Some people fall victim to becoming stagnant and they build a protective wall around themselves by avoiding anything … [Read more...]
Picking Up The Pieces of Your Dreams After Walking Away
There were many situations that took place that caused Tahiera to have to step away from her dreams. First as a young adult, she wanted to sing, but as so many women did back in those days, Tahiera became a young mother and got married to a husband … [Read more...]