In all aspects of our lives we will face challenges. Some people overcome the trials and some people find it difficult to move on. They constantly feel inadequate and struggle to get to their full potential.
Then there are the people that makes sacrifices for their loved ones and put their passions and dreams on hold. In many cases the care of others might take many years. Finally, they feel as if time has passed them by and turn their backs on their own lifelong dreams.
Fortunately, in the entertainment business there are so many ways to diversify your amazing talents. There are people that realize their dreams by helping the next generation as teachers, mentors or advisors in the industry that they love and are passionate about.
Many people believe that if they hang where celebrities are, then an opportunity might come through those circles. But, just in case, be ready and skilled or be ready to learn to deal with the real reality of stardom. Yet, some succeed in this way, but many do not. When you look at yourself in the mirror at night, remember this, you’re the one who needs to get ready to take up the baton and run your own race. People are willing to be there for you, but they will linger only for so long. You must find your way through the maze to success.
It’s the never-ending drive that makes successful people stay that way, no matter what comes their way. They have what it takes to stand tall against the rugged storm of criticism, hostility, frustration, and hopelessness. They shield themselves by staying aware of change and changing their situations to prepare for the ever growing world of entertainment, film, television, music, and sports.
When you feel that the odds are against you. Take a moment to breathe. Take a sabbatical and refresh. This business will still be here waiting for your contribution to it. Every actor, singer, writer, composer, artist and so on, will not be a celebrity. But, they are truly the amazing artist that God made them to be.
Tahiera Monique Brown
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